Click on These Useful Links
Web sites to help small businesses succeed:
Census Bureau provides plenty of economic and demographic reports.
Federal government provides a one-stop site that links to all federal sites helpful to businesses.
SCORE is a nationwide volunteer organization that provides free business counseling and low-cost classes for business owners and people exploring entrepreneurship.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is a valuable resource for inventors and creators of new products, software and for companies seeking to protect trade names.
U.S. Small Business Administration is the federal agency that leverages its name to provide loans, federal taxes, resource guide, information and other assistance to small business owners. This is the entry point for small business innovation research (SBIR) grants and help minorities.
National Association for the Self-Employed is a membership organization providing legislative updates, articles, insurance and more to micro business owners.
National Federation for Independent Business is the largest nationwide advocacy group for small-business issues.
Center for Women’s Business Research compiles data on women-owned businesses.
International Franchise Association is a member trade organization for franchisors, franchisees and suppliers to franchises. Search its database of franchises.
American Association of Franchisees & Dealers is trade group for fair franchising giving tips, programs and resources especially for franchisees.
CCH Small Business is a site has excellent planning and general information for small business and emphasizes finances and tax information. They will send you a very useful newsletter by email.
Kaufman Foundation for Entrepreneurial Leadership &, are websites provided by the Kaufman Foundation. These websites have lots of useful information and provides start-up training programs for entrepreneurs.
Start Up Journal is the Wall Street Journal Center for Entrepreneurs
All Business is the web’s best resource for expert advice & information to help you start, manage, finance, and grow your small business.
Inc. Magazine is all about Business. Get advice, tools, and services that help your small business grow.
The Center for Business Planning Help is very useful for business plan resources
Nolo Press is for Legal self help. A lot of good legal information for small business.
My Corporation Incorporation Information makes it easy to incorporate a business or form an LLC online.
FedStats is the gateway to statistics from 100 Federal Agencies
CL Fund provides capital to business in western Pennsylvania to have an impact in the region and encourage entrepreneurship.
ABWA American Business Women’s Association
Nawbo National Association of Women Business Owners
Women’s Work Provides resources for women interested in starting home based businesses and other ways to work at home.
NASE National Association of the Self Employed
National Business Association Non-profit organization supporting and educating the small business community.
Working Solo is the information source for independent entrepreneurs and companies serving the SOHO (small office/home office) market.
US Chamber of Commerce News, commentary and information from perspective of business as a primary source of progress and social prosperity.
American Association of Home-Based Businesses A free community of experts and entrepreneurs to help small business owners find ideas, answers, encouragement and inspiration.